Thank you for reaching out for more information about 400 North Apartments!

400 North Maitland Florida logo
400 North Orlando AvenueMaitland, FL 32751
phone: (407) 667-1400

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Please know you will be asked the following questions when scheduling an in-person tour: 1. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 or have you been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results? 2. Have you come into close contact (within six feet) with someone who has had a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days? 3. Do you have a fever (greater than 100.4 F or 38.0 C) OR symptoms of lower respiratory illness such as a cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or a sore throat? 4. Please wear a mask or face covering when visiting our community


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